Flyveinstruktør FI(A)
Flight4000 Aviation Academy tilbyder uddannelsen til flyveinstruktør FI(A)
Dette kursus dækker alle krævede aspekter af flyveinstruktør uddannelsen til flyvemaskine FI(A) i henhold til EASA Part-FCL (FCL.915.FI). Med FI(A) uddannelsen opnår du rettighed til at udøve VFR flyveinstruktion på PPL-uddannelsen samt til at instruere diverse omskolinger for rettigheder, som du selv er i besiddelse af.
Kurset afvikles over ca. 6-8 måneder. Der startes med et intensivt Teaching and Learning kursus, fulgt af træning i klasseundervisning.
Der flyves 21 lektioner med i alt 30 block timer, inklusive et final check før din skill-test.
- Be at least 18 years of age
- Hold a valid ATPL or CPL or PPL (having at least 200 hours of flight time on aeroplanes or TMGs, of which 150 hours as PIC, and if holding a PPL, and FI privileges are to be conducted towards PPL certificates, the applicant shall also have passed the theoretical examinations at CPL level or higher) according to EASA PART-FCL.915.FI
- Completed at least 30 hours on single-engine piston-powered aeroplanes, hereof minimum 5 hours shall have been completed during the 6 months preceding the pre-entry flight test
- Received at least 10 hours instrument flight instruction on the appropriate aircraft category, of which not more than 5 hours may be instrument ground time in an FSTD
- Completed at least 20 hours of cross country flight as PIC, incl. a flight of a least 300 NM in the course of which two full-stop landings shall be made.
- Passed a specific pre-entry flight test with an FI qualified as in EASA PART-FCL.930.FI (a) based upon the proficiency check as set out in appendix 9 to PART-FCL within the six months preceding. The flight test will assess the ability of the applicant to undertake the course
FI (A)
Flight Instructor
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*Prisen forudsætter CPL certifikat
Teaching and Learning Course
Teori 100 timer klasseundervisning
31,5 timers block flyvning
Inklusiv Spin Recovery Kursus
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* Hertil kommer prøvegebyrer og landingsafgifter - kan variere lidt efter flytype